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The Tempo Group

More than just storeys, these are buildings with tales to be told. 

Narratives of family homes, seaside getaways, and historic façades. And it’s our job to tell these stories. Conveying that we are more than just bricks and mortar but inspiration and aspiration to those in the market. 

Building properties that are canvasses for more stories to come. From start to finish we will share. Advice. Process. Finals. Environment. Lifestyle. Everything that is part of the story. It’s an insight into what we are creating at The Tempo Group. We are just the beginning in a story that will continue long after tools down. And it’s the why behind all of the decisions that result in the canvas built. 

How the chapters left to be lived affect the choices made and processes planned. 

We call this: Stories Built.

Project Details

Employer The Tempo Group
Skills Digital Marketing, Graphic & Web Design, Storytelling, Social Media Management, Photography, Photoshop
Products Content Creation, Websites, Landing Pages, Lead Magnets, SEO, SEM, Lead Generation, Traffic Strategies, Email Automation, Analytics


Characters – People within the stories. Clients. The Tempo Group. Experts. Share the thoughts, advice, and decisions of these key characters. They are the storytellers.

Plot – Projects being built. Progress. Finals. Blueprints. It’s the structure to our stories.

Setting – Where our stories take place. The environment that adds depth. At tools down, this is where life starts. Create the inspiration and aspiration to sell the story. 

Tone of voice (ToV)

The positioning statement is the overarching brand idea. It exists to guide the rest of the comms, so we know how to talk and what to talk about:

More than just bricks. These homes are canvas’ for first steps, drinks, and more. Single, double, or multi; there’s a tale in every storey. Foundations built for you to affix memories. 

The Tempo Group. Stories Built. 


Articles are an opportunity to share thought and opinion. They are a platform that is infinitely valuable to a company’s search engine optimisation (SEO). It’s about using words that will be picked up by Google and ranked as relevant information.

Our content is streamlined into the three content themes. Posted with banners linking to valuable downloadable information.